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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: QuickTime Movies
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Date: Sun, 23 Jul 95 01:52:17 PDT
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>Hey all,
> Does anyone know of a way to convert LW frames into Quicktime
>movies (on an Amiga)?
> I need to go from my Toaster at home via Bernoulli drive to a
>PowerMac at work, where I have an editor called an ImMix.
> Lacking a Par card, I must make do with the tools at hand. This
>hasn't stopped me yet, but it certainly would be easier to import an
>animation rather than a frame at a time.
Except if it's not possible.
TMK, there's no way to create a QT moov on an Amiga. You can
certainly generate
Also this would keep me digital
>much later in the process!
> Thanks for any help.
>Kim Stickler
>"D. Kim Stickler" <kim@coil.com> sent this message.
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